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Конкурс "МІС ОСІНЬ"

21 жовтня у нашій школі традиційно відбувся розважальний конкурс для старшокласників «Міс Осінь – 2016». У ньому взяли участь четверо дівчат 5-8 класів: Лисак Наталія (5 клас), Мамчур Вікторія (6 клас), Мазур Олена (7 клас), Циганська Сніжана (8 клас).

Розпочалася конкурсна програма з візиток учасниць. Кожна претендентка розповідала про себе щось цікаве, ділилася враженнями, просила суддів бути справедливими, а суперницям бажала успіху. Цьогорічний конкурс супроводжувався презентацією осіннього костюму «Чарівність осені безмежна», дівчата мали змогу продемонструвати свої осінні вбрання . Глядачі були в захопленні від оригінальних та смачних блюд, які представили учасниці під час проведення конкурсу «Господарка». Також дівчата продемонстрували свої таланти у конкурсі "Коронний номер " та позмагалися в інтелектуальних запитаннях.

І, звичайно, не залишилися осторонь і вболівальники. Група підтримки кожного класу підготувала яскраві плакати та веселі художні номери, які звучали в перервах між конкурсами.

І ось настала хвилююча мить. Журі оголошує свій вердикт. Міс Осінь 2016-го року стала учениця 6-го класу Мамчур Вікторія. І вона ж здобула титул Міс «Глядацьких симпатій».

 Титул міс «Чарівність» отримала Лисак Наталія

Міс «Елегантність» - Мазур Олена

Міс Грація- Циганська Сніжана

Вітаємо Вікторію з перемогою, а всім учасницям і глядачам бажаємо удачі, гарного настрою і здійснення найзаповітніших мрій. Адже, краса безсмертна, але найцінніший її блиск – це молодість!

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Всього коментарів: 6
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5 FrankTrimi  
Effectively maintaining alpine decks requires a proactive and strategic approach to efficiently address the unique challenges posed by mountain weather conditions. It commences with the crucial habit of performing regular inspections to detect potential issues promptly and applying preventative measures that safeguard the strength of your deck. Dealing with issues quickly is essential in ensuring the longevity of your space outdoors, particularly so in the face of the changing weather synonymous with mountain regions. Explore the details of care routines tailored for alpine environments, taking into account the nuances of seasonal variations that can substantially impact the deck's condition. Examine and discuss common issues experienced by owners of decks in mountainous areas, exchanging helpful insights into productive upkeep strategies that have proven effective in preserving outdoor spaces amidst the harsh conditions of mountain weather. This collaborative exchange of experiences provides forum members with a abundance of information, allowing them to take on anticipatory maintenance practices and secure their decks against the challenges inherent to living in the mountains.

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4 HenryRah  
Acquiring the aid of a disability attorney for disability claims in the city of Albuquerque possesses enormous significance. People who pursue the support of a lawyer specializing in disabilities in disability court trials can obtain numerous positive aspects and priceless assistance in the disability claims process. These lawyers retain the essential skills, knowledge, and proficiency to efficiently sail through the intricacies of the legal system and advocate for their clients' best welfare.

One of the principal roles of a attorney specializing in disabilities in disability court trials requires skillfully guiding and overseeing the legal processes. Attorneys specializing in disabilities stand out at sailing through the complexities of trials related to disabilities, which can be overwhelming for those unfamiliar with the legal system. By employing the assistance of a lawyer for disabled individuals, individuals with disabilities significantly improve their likelihood of success in courts dealing with disabilities.

Throughout legal processes concerning disabilities, a attorney specializing in disabilities plays a pivotal and dynamic part in providing vital aid. They vigorously collaborate with clients in compiling and lodging disability claims applications, petitions, and appeals, streamlining the method and guaranteeing all essential records is correctly provided. Additionally, attorneys specializing in disabilities offer crucial help during court proceedings related to disabilities, utilizing their professional expertise of disability laws and regulations to provide counsel, advice, and legal representation.

The advantages of acquiring a lawyer for disabled individuals for claims concerning disabilities are diverse. These legal professionals offer knowledgeable guidance and suggestions, providing their clients with a advantage in trials regarding disabilities. Through their thorough knowledge of the legal landscape, disability attorneys can successfully traverse the complex web of rules and laws overseeing claims related to disabilities, making sure that their clients' privileges are secured and their best interests are advocated for.

Moreover, lawyers for disabled individuals make simpler the disability claims process, easing the burden on individuals with disabilities. They serve as advocates, coordinating with official institutions, insurers

, and other applicable entities on behalf of their clients. This complete support permits individuals with disabilities to focus on their well-being and personal matters, being informed that their claims concerning disabilities are being dealt with with utmost care and attention to detail.

In the framework of disability claims in Albuquerque region, it is crucial to acknowledge the unique proficiency presented by attorneys specializing in social security. These lawyers concentrate on social security laws and rules, making them highly valuable assets for individuals looking for social security disability compensation. Social security lawyers retain thorough knowledge of the complex rules and processes governing social security disability claims, enabling them to provide tailored advice and guidance to their clients.

By acquiring a lawyer for disabled individuals, individuals with disabilities have access to a abundance of assets and support. These legal professionals serve as dedicated supporters, diligently advocating for their clients' rights and entitlements. Lawyers for disabled individuals comprehend the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities and strive to assure they obtain the disability benefits they are entitled to.

In conclusion, the act to secure a lawyer for disabled individuals is a critical one for individuals with disabilities pursuing disability benefits in Albuquerque. These legal professionals play a vital part in streamlining the legal proceedings, maximizing the chances of success in trials regarding disabilities, and supplying expert guidance and suggestions tailored to their clients' specific conditions.

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3 Jamesbeent  
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2 FrankTrimi  
A comprehensive understanding of the benefits offered by synthetic deck materials in mountainous weather conditions requires a complete exploration of how these substances perform amidst the challenges of high-altitude regions. Dive into essential factors such as sturdiness, ability to withstand temperature fluctuations, and the maintenance requirements unique to composite decking in the mountain context. Assessing the appropriateness of composite decking for mountain homes involves a subtle examination of its functioning under varying conditions. Engage in an enlightening conversation encompassing various varieties of composite materials, drawing on the shared experiences of forum members to highlight their distinct performances in mountainous settings. Addressing any misunderstandings that may emerge in this discourse makes sure that the data exchanged is accurate and trustworthy. This informative discussion serves as a valuable tool, empowering forum members to make informed decisions when it comes to choosing composite decking that perfectly aligns with the specific challenges and demands of living in the mountains.

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